Effortless Team Building: 8 AI Prompts that Get You Ready for the Event in 15 Minutes

The second half of spring – it’s a teambuilding time. As it happens, preparing a company event is usually the last item on to-do list and it’s not meant to be “fun for the weekend evenings”. If you want to get a handle on it this year, join us and invite AI to work with you. In cooperation with Chat GPT, we’ll prepare not only the concept of the event or evening social event, but we’ll also try how to handle the overall evaluation of the event.
Getting started with AI?
Did you miss a boat with AI? Never mind. The basics are easy to catch up. Just follow these 7 simple rules. Go to https://chat.openai.com/, sign up or log in with your Google, Microsoft or Apple account and chat with AI as you would chat with a friend. Nice Czech.
- Tell AI that it’ll be helping you prepare a team building – it should play the role of HR professional who’s planning the event.
- Describe your company, what it deals with, its name and tell AI to remember it.
- Write down how many people are going to be at the event, how old they are and what their interests are.
- Define your expectations from the team building.
- Instruct it to make all outputs as structured as possible so you don’t have to deal with them.
- Don’t be afraid to go step by step, specify your requirements with each new prompt. Refer to previous AI conclusions. If it generates 5 suggestions, tell it which one is the most appropriate for the next step.
- Have fun. AI is still built on experimentation so don’t be afraid of it.
One more advice – don’t solve a complex problem with a simple prompt. Follow the “salami method” and divide a complex task into smaller steps. This allows you to make more precise prompts that solve a smaller problem while still having control over the entire “thought” process.
The step-by-step procedure may look like this:
- Suggest 20 points of view for handling XY topic
- I like number X – suggest a text outline
- The outline is ok – ask me for the input you need and write the XY text
- Enter edits to the text (make it shorter/ longer/ less formal/ add an emoji/ come up with a different introduction)
You see, it’s more about dialogue and cooperation with AI, rather than one magic command.
Remember to think
Before you work with Chat GPT to the full, remind yourself that it’s you who have to think in this process. AI performance is based on the quality of the assignments. AI is just a tool and cannot replace you or your context. So, don’t be angry if its output isn’t always perfect.
If you’ve just started with AI and need some advice on how to create prompts and what things you need to be careful about, grab our e-book.
Brief introduction
Aim: Inform AI what type of the event it will be.
Reason: You don’t have to repeat it with every prompt.
💡 Pro tip: Upload the information temporarily to the “customize GPT” field which can be found by clicking on your profile.
- You‘ll act as an expert on a company team building and give a clear structured output on my assignments.
- We’re preparing a team building for [name of your company] based in [city] and deals with [field of business]. Our philosophy is [describe in your own words the company standards and rules].
- [number] colleagues will take part in the team building. It’ll be a mix of [describe people according to their age and other characteristics].
- Team building should be [funny? educational? – it’s up to you] and we’ll spend it in [hotel? guesthouse? nature?] in [location].
- Transport will be [provided or self-provided?]. We’ll spend [number of days] there. Food and all essential things are provided.
Prompt 1: Getting ready
Aim: We want to form a comprehensive checklist for ourselves and our colleagues too.
Reason: To remember everything.
💡 Pro tip: You can influence the checklist format. Do you want it in a table form? No problem. Do you want a checkbox in front of each line? Just type. Feel free to apply the “salami method” mentioned in the introduction. Let AI suggest “directions” and then choose one of them to specify it gradually.
- Create two structured checklists for the team building. Divide them into subcategories and please be very specific and detailed. Think also about the issues related to work safety, labour legislation or unexpected events.
- The first checklist should include all the things the organiser needs to prepare for a successful implementation and also for the evaluation of the team building. Remember how to inform participants before the team building and find out how many of them are going to attend it.
- The second checklist is for the participants and their comfortable stay. It should also include a list of things that are appropriate to take with them.
Outcome: A base of two checklists that we can update or let AI rebuild them.
Prompt 2: Programme inspiration
Aim: We want to form several different types of programmes for inspiration including a timetable.
Reason: AI has a chance to come up with good ideas that will save a lot of thinking time.
💡 Pro tip: The “salami method” is useful here too. You can also proceed as follows.
- Suggest a structured team building programme including a timetable. Consider opportunities within the location which are [describe what can you do there, if there‘s, for example a conference room or leisure facilities].
- The first suggestion of the programme should be focused primarily on education. It should include a plan of workshops and educational activities in our field. Evening programme should be focused on getting to know each other.
- The second suggestion of the programme should be aimed at leisure time activities. It should allow colleagues to get to know each other in an informal way. Include long-term tasks related to our field that will be evaluated at the end of each day.
- The third suggestion of the programme should be a combination of education and entertainment. Include the elements of gamification and performance evaluation of each team in both education and entertainment.
Outcome: Suggestions for several types of programmes that can be combined in any way.
Prompt 3: Course suggestions
Aim: To get several different suggestions for educational activities.
Reason: Quick selection from a large number of ideas.
💡 Pro tip: Choose one or two best ideas and let AI work on them in detail. Is your company dealing with any challenge? Write it down in the prompt.
- Make a list of potential lectures or workshops on our field, divided into logical groups. I expect at least 15 suggestions in a point structure.
- Include management and process workshops. Our company is currently struggling with [describe specific issues] and we‘d be pleased to treat them theoretically and practically during the team building.
Outcome: The source of ideas which only need to be slightly modified.
Prompt 4: Name for team building
Aim: Calling the team building just team building is boring. Let’s try it another way.
Reason: Because this is exactly the kind of detail you wouldn’t have time for otherwise.
💡 Pro tip: Feel free to describe your colleagues’ style and sense of humour.
- Suggest some names for the team building.
- Our colleagues are [describe their sense of humour].
- Use both Czech language and English.
Outcome: Mostly a few of ideas sparkling with wit among loads of not so good ideas. At least, you’ll have some notion of it.
Prompt 5: Invitation
Aim: Don’t worry about a creative design of an invitation.
Reason: To choose quickly from a large number of ideas.
💡 Pro tip: Did you choose any idea in the previous steps? Then say it clearly.
- Please, create an email invitation with basic information for the participants.
- Use a creative name for the event.
- All documents and checklists will be attached to the invitation as separate files. Please, note this.
- Please, prepare two versions: a formal version and as creative and crazy as possible.
Outcome: We can work on this basis.
Prompt 6: Nicknames
Aim: Have a little fun at someone else’s expense.
Reason: You’ll get your colleagues interested in AI. At the same time, you can guess who was named by AI this way.
💡 Pro tip: Pay attention to the characteristics.
- Please, create funny nicknames for the participants. At least 3 for each person based on the following characteristics.
- Colleague 1: Name: [colleague‘s name], comes from: [place of birth], likes: [favourite colour], enjoys: [hobbies], is good at: [what they are the best at], is respected for: [why others respect them]
- Colleague 2: Name: [colleague‘s name], comes from: [place of birth], likes: [favourite colour], enjoys: [hobbies], is good at: [what they are the best at], is respected for: [why others respect them]
Outcome: Probably the list of really funny nicknames. And we’ll teach Chat GPT a bit about our colleagues.
Note: Ideal for smaller teams. It’s time consuming for larger teams.
Prompt 7: Pub quiz
Aim: Prepare a fast but funny quiz.
Reason: Time-saving.
💡 Pro tip: Should the questions be focused also on information about your colleagues? Enter it in the prompt. At the same time, remember that AI’s answers aren’t flawless – it isn’t good at Czech life and institutions. It’ll often lie about them.
- Please, create a pub quiz for the participants with 4 categories of 5 questions and a final round which could have 3 really difficult questions. The teams will search for the answers on the internet.
- The quiz should include general questions, questions about the teambuilding specific situations or non-trivial questions from the field. Add funny questions for colleagues based on the available information.
- Each category should consist of 5 questions, i.e. 20 questions in total + 3 final questions.
- Write all questions in a structured bullet point format. Add the answers to all questions for the organisers. Mark the answers where you‘re unsure if it’s correct with a star. Refresh any other interesting context that relates to the answers.
- Compose a short suggestion of rules and scoring.
Outcome: The basis of pub quiz for further addition.
Prompt 8: Evaluation questionnaire
Aim: To let you know whether they like the event.
Reason: Be honest, evaluation is often forgotten.
💡 Pro tip: You can create great surveys right in Sloneek.
- Please, create an evaluation questionnaire for the participants.
- Use open questions and scoring scale.
- Focus on satisfaction with the event itself, mood, atmosphere and the overall conception.
- Create a safe space for feedback and ideas for improvement.
Outcome: Useful questionnaire after minor modifications.
Final tips
Chat GPT isn’t perfect and you can’t expect flawless results. However, if you discuss and specify your prompts, you’ll probably get very close to a satisfactory result.
Good luck!