Our year 2023: Helping HR Professionals From All Over Europe.


A few days ago, we celebrated the beginning of a new year. Before we get down to business, it’s time to take a look back. Setting new goals cannot be done without feedback on previous projects and recapitulating successful moments or where we put a foot wrong. It could be beneficial for the company and also for surroundings. Success and failure can inspire us, show customers how their service is performing, motivate employees and attract new ones.

What did our journey to better HR look like last year?

From product to solution

Constant improvement of Sloneek is a never-ending process for us. We’ll never settle for less and we don’t lag behind. We’ve incorporated artificial intelligence to improve the app assistant, added an assessment questionnaire feature and OKR modules to monitor employee progress, as well as asynchronous reports and a completely new reporting system.

We dare to say that we’ve finally moved from providing the product to providing the solution- so we’re not just an HR tool that monitors and collects documents in one place but a partner that can really do a great job for the user. That means the only thing- more time for HR to really work with people.

In the overview, you can see the specific innovations we managed to implement during the year.

Customer- first strategy

Over the year, we made hundreds of minor and major improvements to our Sloneek system. And what we’ve learned on the way to more sophisticated application is that it must not cease to be easy to use. A perfect UX is essential. A customer will appreciate and try new things only if they’re understandable and easily available for him.

So, we should mention the marketing cliché – never forget about the needs of your customers. It’s not easy, of course. We’re constantly working to ensure that Sloneek is suitable for builders, doctors, office workers and IT companies too. It must be useful for the companies where employees work in shifts as well as for those in which hybrid mode and part-time work prevail. The growing varied portfolio and almost zero churn rate show us that we’re on the right way.

From the Czech Republic to Europe

Within a year, we spread out the wings and set out across Europe. Despite stiff competition, we were able to win clients in 10 European countries. Currently, in addition to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we also operate in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands Luxembourg and Austria. However, we would not manage it without the marketing team that was able to attract foreign companies with the campaigns and supported the work of sales managers.

Optimise and be effective

In a company with hundreds of employees, many things get lost. Not in small one. In order to achieve great results in a small team, it’s necessary to be perfectly matched. That’s why we optimised the processes across departments- from hiring to IT development- and it bore fruit. Product development became smoother and even though our team was reduced we did the same work. All we had to do was better describe the processes, set priorities and define the tasks and responsibilities for them.

And flexibility didn’t decline. We found out that we can respond to market changes faster than our competitors and that even a small company can do great things thanks to its agility.

It may sound like a cliché, but due to teambuilding, we managed to bring the team together a little more. We got a kick out of spending time together and it enlivened the company culture.

Thanks to this, we were able to deal with less popular part of HR – layoffs. However, the team showed that it pulls together, is flexible and if the tasks are assigned effectively, we can do the same amount of work with fewer people.

What awaits us this year?

The goal is clear- to rid HR leaders of administration and return them to the role of decision makers. To do this, it will be necessary to involve AI even more, deepen automation and be constantly interested in news, needs of HR professionals and companies. Digitization is really a weak point for Czech companies and it’s often necessary to pluck up courage in addition to the product itself and show the way and example that it’s simply possible.

Since we’re enthusiastic enough, we also want to grow as a company. We won’t be able to meet our goal for 100% without this. We’ll be so pleased to share this progress with you.