Edit team Clock-in / out

    If you need to edit an attendance event that has already been entered by a user, click on the specific attendance event in the Clock-in / out calendar (or general overview calendar). The right sidebar will appear.

    When you click on the pencil icon, editing options appear. To edit, SAVE.

    Snímek obrazovky 2023-10-28 v 19.17.44

    You must have ADMIN permission to edit any attendance eventManagers and Clock-in / out Managers can only edit events in their team.

    In case you need to  ADD/INSERT an attendance event, use the insert new SEGMENT function to do so.

    This operation can be performed in the CALENDAR by a user with the Manager role for their team, by a user with the Clock-in / out Manager team role or by a user with the Admin role for anyone who has the Clock-in / out module activated.

    What is a segment

    A segment is a logical unit bounded by a beginning and an end. Start = Clock-in, End = Clock-out. An exit can be of type At work – for example, an errand where time worked continues to count, or Away – leaving and time worked stops counting.

    Inserting a segment can only be done backwards, not forwards, this would break continuity.

    It is not possible to insert a segment into an ongoing segment. It would break the segment.


    You insert a segment from the Clock-in / out calendar.

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