Synchronization of users with Microsoft Active Directory

    If you are using a corporate Microsoft account you can automate the import of users while keeping the user database automated and always active.


    👉  you must have ADMIN permissions on your corporate Microsoft account.

    👉  you must have ADMIN permissions on your Sloneek corporate account


    Linking procedure

    digit-one_31-fe0f-png-2 in Company settings / Integrations, create the synchronization rules settings.

    In Microsoft Active Directory, you can divide your employees into several groups. In Sloneek, you then set which of these groups you want to synchronize.

    Snímek obrazovky 2023-10-29 v 9.18.01

    digit-two_32-fe0f-png-3 in Users / Management, link the Microsoft account by logging in and perform the import for the user groups you choose. You can also set up if you want to directly activate all the users, or not.

    Snímek obrazovky 2023-10-29 v 9.18.23

    digit-three_33-fe0f-png-2 grant Sloneek data sharing permissions.


    Each user will connect their Microsoft calendars by following the instructions here.