Employee records
Employee records consist of information held on the employees of an organisation.
Employee administration is the basis of personnel administration and the personnel system in an organisation. It’s not just about HR, it’s also an important resource for managing and planning people in an organisation. Employers (companies, organisations) need to keep information about their employees to meet legislative requirements and to manage their workforce effectively. Basic employee information is set by national law, usually in accordance with the employer’s industry (e.g., high-risk workplaces require a wider range of employee information).
An employee’s personnel file is a basic document that contains basic, contact and personal data, information for personal development of employees, employment contracts and other operational information necessary for the organisation’s activities.
The employee record is a key operational record as it contains important information regarding employees and their relationship with the organisation. It is intricately linked to the payroll system, for which it is the basis for calculating wages (timesheets, attendance, leave, etc.). It is also closely intertwined with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), as many different resources and company assets (assets, projects, work tools, equipment, risks, processes, permissions, authorities, responsibilities and other people in the organization) are linked to employees.
In larger organizations, it is necessary to link employee records to the organizational structure, which means placing specific people in specific jobs.
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