
The importance of feedback in companies

Feedback is a key element of effective management and organizational development. Correctly provided and received feedback can significantly influence employee motivation, improve the working atmosphere and contribute to the growth of the company. In the following article, we will look at various tools and methods of obtaining feedback in companies, including the trust box, the mood meter and the competence model.

Trust box

One of the most effective tools for collecting anonymous feedback is the trust box. This tool allows employees to express their concerns, ideas or complaints without fear of repercussions. Anonymity is key as some employees may be afraid to openly communicate their concerns or suggestions.

Advantages of the trust box:

  • Anonymity: Provides employees with a sense of security, which encourages openness and honesty.
  • Accessibility: The trust box should be easily accessible to all employees so that they can use it at any time.
  • Problem solving: Enables management to identify and solve problems that might otherwise go unnoticed.
    At Sloneek, every user has access to a trust box, where they can anonymously leave a message about what is bothering them in the company. This tool is very useful for identifying internal problems and improving the overall atmosphere in the company.


Mood meter

Mood meter is another useful tool for measuring employee satisfaction. It is a simple system that regularly monitors the mood and satisfaction of employees. For example, employees can express how they feel every day or week, allowing management to gain insight into the overall mood of the team.

Advantages of the mood meter:

  • Regularity: Allows you to continuously monitor changes in the mood of employees.
  • Quick identification of problems: It helps to quickly identify periods when it is necessary to intervene and improve working conditions.
  • Fostering openness: Employees have the opportunity to regularly express their feelings, which promotes a culture of openness.
    At Sloneek, we offer a mood meter that measures employee satisfaction. This tool helps managers quickly respond to potential problems and create a positive work environment.

Competence model

The competence model is a structured approach to the evaluation and development of employees. Using this model, managers can provide feedback based on specific competencies that are key to a given job position. This approach enables a clear and objective assessment of performance and the identification of areas for improvement.

Advantages of the competency model:

  • Clear evaluation criteria: Provides clear and measurable criteria for employee performance evaluation.
  • Targeted development: Helps identify specific areas where employees need improvement or additional training.
  • Supporting career growth: Enables employees to understand their strengths and weaknesses and plan their career growth.

At Sloneek, we use a competency model that allows team managers to provide feedback to their subordinates in a form of evaluation. This model promotes transparency and objectivity in evaluating employee performance.

The importance of feedback for company growth

Feedback is essential for the continuous development of employees and the improvement of company processes. Regular and constructive feedback can help identify areas for improvement and support employees in their professional growth. Additionally, an open feedback culture fosters trust between employees and management, which improves the overall atmosphere at work.


Personnel tools such as the confidence box, mood meter and competence model are key elements for effectively obtaining and providing feedback in companies. These tools make it possible to create an environment where employees feel safe to express their opinions and feelings, which leads to better communication and higher productivity. It is important for companies to invest in quality feedback tools, because these tools can be the decisive factor for long-term success and competitiveness in the market.

Feedback is not only about criticism, but mainly about support and development. Feedback tools used correctly can transform a business and create a culture of continuous improvement. At Sloneek, we are aware of this and therefore place great emphasis on quality feedback, which helps us to constantly improve the application and move it forward.

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