Digital signature
Simply put, a digital signature is no different in appearance from a physical one except that it is in electronic form. However, the key point is that a digital signature creates additional electronic data that clearly confirms the connection to the signer and their will and knowledge to sign the document. Almost all documents can now be signed electronically, and such a signature is recognised by legislation as valid and legally enforceable.
- Signature of the document
What about the validity of the digital signature?
Currently, the legal framework for electronic signatures at EU level is based on Regulation No. 910/2014, known as “eIDAS”, which deals with electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.
In the Czech Republic, Act No. 297/2016 Coll., on trust services for electronic transactions, was adopted and later amended to implement or adapt the “eIDAS” Regulation at the national level. The Czech Republic thus distinguishes four types of digital signature:
- Electronic signature (plain)
- Guaranteed electronic signature
- Secure electronic signature based on a qualified certificate for electronic signature (recognized signature)
- Qualified signature
We will not elaborate on the individual categories at this time. However, for a digital signature to comply with the eIDAS standard, it must meet the following conditions:
- is unambiguously linked to the signatory;
- enables the identification of the signatory;
- is created using data for creating electronic signatures that the signer can use with a high level of confidence under his or her exclusive control;
- is appended to the data signed by this signature in such a way that any subsequent change to the data can be detected.
If you sign documents in the app Sloneek, all of the above conditions are met and you have nothing to worry about. A document signed electronically in this way is valid. You can also read a statement from the renowned law firm AK Bříza & Trubač.
Which HR system to choose for documents?
In HR, working with and signing documents is your daily bread. That’s why it’s essential to have an HR system that clearly records them and makes it easy for you to filter them.
You can upload three types of documents in Sloneek: contracts, private and company/team-wide. Each user of the application is then notified of the newly inserted document, and if such a document requires a signature, the user can immediately sign it electronically.
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