The eIDAS eurosignature guidelines for electronic signatures

What does the eIDAS eco-directive say about eSignature and why is it important for digital signature applications to comply with it?
If we want to use online services in all EU Member States, we need to know for sure that our electronic identity will be protected and never misused. The EU’s Digital Single Market has been a reality since 2016, when the eIDAS entered into force. In recent years, the market has managed to stabilise, resulting in the emergence of several online applicationsthat enable digital signatures in this form. One of them is Sloneek.
Source: Unsplash / Ernesto Velázquez
Name eIDAS was created from the acronym eID a eSignature, i.e. electronic identification and electronic signature. This European regulation is often referred to as groundbreaking. It removes many barriers by allowing many legal and commercial transactions to be handled seamlessly at a distance. What more could we ask for. In today’s hectic times, electronic signature can save not only time, but ultimately money.
Did you know that by using Sloneek you can save time required to process documents by an average of 80%? Your HR-ists and employees will surely appreciate it 🙂
Let’s take a look at the reasons together, why you want to sign electronically.
- Flexibility in the covid era. The current situation has significantly changed the way we communicate and increased the pressure for remote legal dealings, especially concluding contracts without the need for physical contact.
- Essential cost reduction of a ‘traditional’ signature. In addition to paper and printing costs, let’s include, above all, the time of the people involved. Not to mention saving our environment and social responsibility of companies that produce tons of paper every year. You can make a contribution too, and it only takes so little.
- Overview and order in the process of signing documents. Administrators have a clear overview of the status of documents. They can easily urge signatories to sign with just a few clicks. Employees who don’t lose any contracts will appreciate this as well.
- Validity. Signing in Sloneek is fully compliant with the EU eIDAS regulation. The signature is thus fully recognised and enforceable throughout the EU. If you are interested in this issue, a detailed legal analysis has also been provided by a group of lawyers from AK Havel & Partners here.
- Security. Data communication in and out of Sloneek is secured with an HTTPS certificate. Documents are protected by the AWS cloud infrastructure.
- Unlimited number of of signed documents.
Try Sloneek, sign for 14 days for free!
How to e-sign with Sloneek ? Quite simply. Internal employees who have an account with Sloneek, as well as external collaborators from whom you need to sign any number of documents, can sign documents. Sloneek does not have a limit, but makes sure that your company goes in the right and safe direction on its digitalization and modernization journey.
Do sign up early!
Julie Čuláková
Marketing manager
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